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Install Accumulo on a single VM (Ubuntu 16.04) with 3GB with Hadoop and Zookeeper

Install Accumulo on a single VM (Ubuntu 16.04) with 3GB with Hadoop and Zookeeper Versions For the versions I used the latest versions that were available at the time: accumulo-1.8.0 hadoop-2.7.3 zookeeper-3.4.9 Setup the Environment First start with an OS update apt-get update Install SSH if it is not already installed apt-get install ssh rsync Install the text editor you prefer. I personally love to work with vim apt-get install vim Java 8 or 7. I prefer 8. All the software we deploying are Java based. apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk Instead of sudoing for every command I perfer to login as root using  sudo su - Install Hadoop with HDFS only We will be installing Hadoop with HDFS only as this is the only service that Accumulo needs. Step 1 – Enable Passwordless SSH We need passwordless ssh because Hadoop need to connect to the server over ssh without being prompted for password. Generate an RSA key usin...

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